Forcible actions of Sepah military against the large community of converted Christians in Iran The intelligence section of Sepah forces in Iran is trying to compensate the low performance of religious and clergy schools is Iran by resorting to intimidation and force. Considering the fact that criminal charges are applied to converted Christians and the same way that charges are applied to those who are caught with hundreds of Bibles and other books as well as those who have dual citizenship and are charged under political crimes. Mohabat News _ As reported by the Iranian national media and cited by close sources of the Sepah, several Christians in Tehran, Rey, and Pardis areas were* identified and arrested as a result of a video having been published in which dozens of Bibles, textbooks, theological notes, and CDs that had been stored and discovered by the Sepah. These sources have not explained about the identity of the arrested people or their numbers, however the...