Beginning of the knowledge 1st January The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7 KJV Not every beginning grants a good end. Everyone of us starts from somewhere...the question is- how far we go? We need wisdom so we can walk in our way. The beginning of that wisdom is in the fear of God. Let everything on your life starts with Him. Put God first, honour Him, respect Him, trust Him, invite Him into your world and you will see how wisdom will take more central place in your life! Many people want to learn and gain wisdom but they are searching for it from the wrong sources. Without fear from God there is no way we can have real wisdom. We are told that fear from God is only the beginning of wisdom. Upgrading starts from that moment on. God is in the beginning, in this way starts the first verse of the Bible. Jesus Christ is called the Cornerstone. Your life must be build on something which is su...