The possible agreement to the conditional release of “Sevada Aghasar “, a Christian prisoner

The possible agreement to the conditional release of “Sevada Aghasar “, a Christian prisoner
The Christian prisoner, Sevada Aghasar, has requested the use of conditional release, but the prosecutor has not yet agreed.

“Sevada Aghasar”, a Christian citizen imprisoned in Evin, went on vacation on Sunday, September 23, 2018 for one week. Also previously, he went on vocation on Wednesday, May 9, 2018 for the first time. Sevada, an Armenian Christian, is a follower of Gregory Church, whom Islamic Revolutionary Court condemned to five years in prison for crimes against national security by promoting Christianity and conspiracy. The verdict was issued at Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court under the chairmanship of Judge Moghiseh in 2015.
The hearings indicate that this prisoner of conscience has long been requesting the use of conditional release law, but has not yet been agreed upon by the prosecutor.
Sevada Aghasar was arrested on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 along with two other Farsi speakers, including “Ebrahim Firouzi” (other Christian prisoners), by plain-clothes men in the city of Karaj.

Appeal court for the Christian convert, “Ebrahim Firouzi” was held on Saturday, January 14, 2017, and the initial ruling, five years in prison, was reaffirmed and he has to be in prison until 2019. “On the other hand, after the end of this term, he has to be deported to Sarbaz city, the most deprived areas of Sistan and Baluchestan province, for two years. The two were arrested by the security forces at the office of the insurance company owned by his friend in Karaj.

Sevada Aghasar was already arrested in connection with the case of another Christian detainee, and his home was also inspected by the agents and some of his personal belongings were seized.

This Christian citizen had already been released on bail from ward 350 of Evin Prison in 2013, after spending more than six months in the prison. Less than two years later in May 2015, while he was temporarily released on bail, was sentenced to five years in Branch 28 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court, chaired by Judge Moghiseh, and was summoned on Tuesday, July 4, 2017 to be imprisoned for a five-year sentence, and is currently in ward 7 of Evin Prison.


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